How Does The Nep 2020 Make Our Education System More Flexible?

Posted On: 19 September 2020 | 04:57:pm

The Updated Education Policy

The MHRD ministry has released the new National Education Policy 2020, bringing large scale updates in the education sector. This policy is a major change in the education policy of India after 34 years. It was last updated in 1986.

The foundation of NEP 2020 is laid on the pillar os “Access, Affordability, Accountability, Equity, and Quality.” The policy is in agreement with the 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development, and the policy aims to overhaul and revise the Indian Education system.

School Education

The new policy focusses on providing universal access to school at every level, from pre-school to senior secondary. Also, the structure of school education has been changed from the previous ‘10+2’ system. It has been replaced by a ‘5+3+3+4’ structure corresponding to the age groups 3-8,8-11,11-14 and 14 to 18, respectively. This brings the age group 3-6, which wasn’t under the curriculum of the school. This age has been recognized as a very important age for the growth of a child.

The policy also blurs the current system lines where students have to choose one stream after they complete their tenth. They can rather choose their subjects after they pass their 10th. This gives them flexibility in choosing their stream.

Higher Education

The major changes in higher education include the four years UG programs. These will be multidisciplinary programs, and these will allow multiple exit point certifications.

Further, a student can migrate from one institute to another if he/she has attained certain credits in the previous college. He/she might not need to start fresh.

The NEP 2020 greatly reduces pressure from the Indian education system and provides the system some flexibility.

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