How to Make Children Understand the Power of Positive Thinking?

Posted On: 02 August 2022 | 02:44:pm

Self-esteem and a sense of security in the world can be improved by encouraging children to think favourably about themselves. They will also be able to lead happier and more prosperous lives. The younger children learn to cultivate a positive outlook on life, the more likely they will live a happy and fulfilled life now and in the future.

Here are some ways to instill a positive outlook in your children.

Give Them a Hands-On Approach to Understanding Thought and the Brain

It’s incredible what a difference it can make when youngsters better understand the brain and their thinking. First, you must teach your children how to think positively. It’s easier for kids to use empowerment tools if they realize how vital it is to think positively and speak, so they’ll be more likely to do so. You may teach your children easy empowerment strategies that will help them cultivate more positive attitudes in their minds.

Make a Difference

Teaching children by example is the most effective method. There is always someone observing you, even if you can’t hear what they have to say all the time. Whether you want them to or not, your kids will imitate your every move. Your children will speak poorly of themselves if you speak poorly of yourself. The more you gossip, the more probable your children will do the same.

To begin, you’re the first one. Think optimistic thoughts about yourself. Please use the tools you are giving your children to empower themselves. Put yourself first, just like you would expect your children to do. More than anything else, your children will learn from your example.

Keep a Positive Attitude and Encourage Others

Parents wield tremendous influence over how their children perceive themselves and the world around them. It matters what you say to them. To correct people, it is far easier to focus on what they do wrong than on what they do right. Try to be supportive and point out the beautiful things they are doing that you want them to keep doing. Keep an eye out for when they do something right. Positive reinforcement outperforms negative reinforcement in terms of impact.

Help Them Acquire a Better Understanding of and Control Over Their Emotions

It might be difficult for children to comprehend the wide range of emotions they can experience. They must understand that there is no such thing as “good” or “bad” feelings. To feel unhappy, angry, or upset isn’t a bad thing. Such a reaction is very typical. It is possible to feel both happy and negative emotions simultaneously. When unpleasant feelings arise, it’s vital to know that they are normal and that we can learn how to deal with them healthily.

Allow Them to Be Free

We all desire to be free. The ability to make our own decisions is critical to maintaining our sense of security in the modern environment. Providing children with as many choices as possible will help them understand self-worth and self-confidence. Even if it makes you uncomfortable, give them the freedom to make a decision. As a parent, it’s always a good idea to steer your children away from making decisions that could harm them.

What they wear, what they eat, how they style their hair, and what activities they participate in are just some things you may let your children make decisions about, even if those decisions conflict with what you want them to do.

Encourage Your Children to Discuss the Good and the Bad Things That Happen Every Day

Occasionally, a single terrible incident can be all a child remembers from their day. It’s easy to lose sight of the good when everything else goes wrong. Helping children see the positive and negative aspects of their lives is beneficial. Children must understand that pleasant thing can still happen even when something ‘bad’ happens.

“Peaches and Pits” is a game you can play as a family. Each person tells a “pit,” or a terrible occurrence, followed by two “peaches,” or positive experiences, as you move around the table for supper. Positive events should be highlighted more than bad ones. This makes it easier for our brains to perceive the bright side.

Introduce them to high-quality media and literature

Isn’t there a phrase saying, “You are what you eat?” The same holds for the books, movies, and other media you consume. What you put into your body affects who you are. Children are particularly susceptible to the effects of media on their minds and bodies. TV shows, video games, the internet, and literature are inundated with messages. The things they’re exposed to must be of the highest quality.

Positive messages about family and education are prominent; morals and values are emphasized; violence is avoided, and there is no profanity or other derogatory language used.

Our opinion at GD Goenka School is that positive thinking is the gasoline that ignites motivation, grit, and confidence. Even the most difficult situations in life can be met with a bright smile if one is optimistic. As a result, by encouraging your children to adopt a positive outlook on life, you will see improvements in all areas of their lives, not just academics.