Importance of Sports and Games in Schools
Posted On: 23 May 2020 | 01:43:am
There are quite a few different aspects of a complete education. It includes physical development, mental development, and needless to mention the socio-emotional development which goes on to play a crucial role in any student’s life. This is perhaps the very reason as to why the schools are no more restricted to only studies wherein the teachers are giving their classes to students in the classroom. Instead, the schools now have various activities apart from teaching academic subjects.
The Aim
The motive behind giving education is not only to impart the share of knowledge related to several subjects but also to develop the capacities and helping the child to nurture them and groom them in a way wherein, they find and learn something new growing up. That is when the games and the sports goes on to play a very significant role in schooling for every child.
Games and sports have always been a part of schooling life and one of the very reasons for having games and sports in the schools is to assist the children to grow physically and develop new things and be a good learner. However, the games and sports are not restricted to merely physical sides. As mentioned, the individuals also get to learn quite a few things and one of them is life skills via games and sports that go on to help the child in the long run. The sportsmanship that we call as the sportsman spirit, working as a team, determination, confidence, the will to keep going and not give up no matter what the circumstances are and so on are a few of the things that the child goes on to learn via the medium of games and sports. Nearly all schools now have a variety of options to offer their students in terms of games and sports that include several outdoor and indoor games and sports.
The Belief
There is also this very popular saying that reads, “All work & no play makes the Jack a dull boy” is indeed true. Any kind of physical activity is very important for any child. It can well be in any form such as jogging, walking, athletics, running, or any other game or sport. Each kid needs to involve themselves in something or the other to grow mentally and physically, both. Most children are generally active in their childhood, using that excess energy in a form of physical activity. The parents along with the teachers must try and find out the ways wherein, the child starts taking interest in some of the activities. Well just to put it on record, it is extremely not necessary that every child will go on to show interest in a similar sort of physical sport or activity. Children should be exposed to numerous sports through pictures, videos, discussions in case experimental learning or the demonstration is no more feasible. As the students will only go on to develop an interest when they know several games and sports.
Encourage Your Child
Children must well be encouraged to allow themselves to involve in physical activity. In case you don’t know the way to encourage you may go on to model it. The kids love to ape the adults around them and that way they get inspired as well. So the outcome is like when the adults in the surroundings are active physically then the kids as well tend to be physically active.
In most cases, the students or say the kids go on to show interest at a very early age in any kind of physical activity be it any game, sports, or athletics. These signs must well be recognized by teachers and parents. They must discuss various games and sports and inspire the children by simply talking about the greats of particular sports. For instance, if a child is into athletics you may talk to him about Usain Bolt or if he is into sports such as cricket and soccer you may go on to talk about Christiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, MS Dhoni, Virat Kohli or Sachin.
No matter what you must encourage your child to indulge themselves in sports that will help them grow.