Sleep – A Crucial Factor That Optimizes Every Child’s Health
Posted On: 21 July 2020 | 04:41:am
We all have dreams to achieve. The one that is embedded in every cell in our body is having children and growing them good and healthy. It is beautiful to watch ourselves in our children to grow again from the beginning. We take care of them very well. Parental care is the most crucial care that an individual gets throughout their lifetime. It shapes and molds them. We are always afraid of any problem with them and their health. We take any steps to help them out from their problem – only if we know! Many of us don’t know what our children need for their health. The one factor that is being unnoticed the most is their sleep. Some parents think that their children, sleeping less, and working more is healthy. The truth is the opposite.
The sleep status of most children
We are pre-programmed to feel more sleepy when we are young. This changes as we age. When we are aged, again we get more sleep. If we break this, health problems can be seen. Many parents restrict their children from sleeping early or sleep more time. Children of age up to 12 must get minimum sleep of 9 hours. But they are not allowed more than 8 in most houses. Many problems can occur due to a lack of sleep. This is not known for many parents.
Problems that can be avoided due to good sleep
Many problems can be avoided in our children when they get enough sleep. Sleeping has a lot of positive effects for children. Some of them are,
- They can think better and show good progress in studies and other activities.
- They shine well in extracurricular activities and discover their hidden talents.
- They stay obedient to their parents. They don’t let their minds oscillate.
- Their immunity power develops. Their Heart, Brain, and other vital organs get to develop well and the children show good health and don’t fall sick often.
- Their behavior and consciousness develop as they understand better. They don’t make mistakes when they understand the consequences.
- Sleeping enough can help to concentrate on studies. They don’t sleep when they are in class if they get enough sleep at home.
There are many more problems too that can be avoided when our children get enough sleep.
Making them sleep
Children are uncontrollable at most times. Some children restrict themselves from sleep. They play for the whole day and at night time too. Some don’t sleep, even if they are made to lie in their bed. They wake up and lie there. It is their parent’s responsibility to make them sleep. The most common way is telling them stories. Stopping any sound-making devices can help them sleep well. A good place to sleep arranged for them helps. Many other ways can help them sleep too.
Every parent must know that sleep is one of the most important needs of every child. It keeps their health up and prevents any problem related to this. Making them sleep is one of every parent’s duty. Don’t forget to kiss them good night too.
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