What Are The Key Elements And Anatomy of a Good School?
Posted On: 07 November 2019 | 12:34:am
What makes a school great? How can you tell if you go to a good school? There are so many elements and factors that make a school good or bad. Education being the most important resource, it is very essential to be in a school that is good at its job. There would be many people around you who are in a school that is better than yours. There could be some who brag about their school and blabber about how great their school is.
However, have you ever wondered what are the factors that make a school good? On what basis, do you decide if you like a school or you don’t? To help you with this dilemma, we have provided below all the elements that can make or break a school. Read below:
Teachers and Staff:
Needless to say, teachers make the most part of the school. No matter how many facilities a school provides, if the teachers aren’t good enough, the value of the school goes down to zero. Without a good teacher, there’s no point in a school. Your teachers are who will create your personality and teach you way more than subject lessons. The kind of teachers you have, the amount of knowledge they possess, how good they are at teaching are some factors that can help you judge a teacher.
The Curriculum:
Every school has a curriculum that they have to follow each year. This curriculum contains all the content that the students will learn in the coming year. The way a curriculum is designed matters a lot. It decides what the student will or will not learn in their next year. The curriculum should be designed with the utmost care while keeping in mind the requirements of the modern world. The curriculum should be designed in such a manner that the student gets to learn about their culture and should have a good idea of what goes around in the outside world in the current scenario.
The Environment of the School
Even if the curriculum is designed properly and meets modern education standards, there is one important thing without which a student would fail to get a proper education. The environment in which the student stays during their school hours has a huge impact on them. It is necessary for the school to maintain an environment that promotes learning and inspires students to grasp new skills. By coming to the school, the students should feel an urge to learn and acquire skills and develop a personality.
Should Be in Accordance with the Education Standards of the Country
There is a standard that every country follows for every sector. The education sector also has a standard that every school, college or university has to follow. These standards are created to guide organizations in the education sector and provide them information about what is necessary for a school of any kind. If your school doesn’t follow these standards, they could be violating the country’s laws and taking your education lightly. Therefore, make sure that the school you go to adheres to all the educational standards that the country has introduced to make sure you get a quality education.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Providing bookish teachings to the students is very important. The more the students indulge themselves in the syllabus of the schools, the better students they become. However, you cannot grow a personality just by learning through books or rote learning. Getting out of your classrooms and discovering your interests and talents is equally important. The skills you develop in school help you later in life and can actually help you build a career out of them. There could be several hidden talents inside you that you don’t know about. Start discovering yourself and find where your interests lie.
Final Words:
Now that we know what elements help make a school good or bad, we can easily judge the quality of education a school provides. The factors mentioned below form the main elements and anatomy of a school system. Every school revolves around these elements and is able to provide education to the students through them. The next time you compare schools, make sure to go by these factors to come up with a helpful opinion.