Posted On: 06 September 2021 | 12:54:am

As a child progresses in age and development, we might think of all available schooling options. But just getting any education in today’s world is no longer an option; in today’s world, we all are searching for a comprehensive learning environment that looks after not just academic excellence but also the all-around development of a child.

Unlike usual schools, in independent boarding schools’ children live away from home inside a campus where they have their classes together, meals together, and live-in common housing.

Children go home during summer holidays, between grades and some schools even allow children to go during festivals to visit their parents or relatives.

When we talk about independent boarding schools it’s definitely is a good approach for shaping a child’s future in a better way than usual schools do. So, there is no way to make a broad conclusion as to whether boarding schools are good or bad. Each child has individual needs and each school has a unique mission statement and vision. The trick is to find a school that matches a child’s temperament and needs.

Boarding schools make growing kids more independent and self-reliant adults as they learn to solve daily problems on their own like waking up for school at a particular time, washing uniforms on their own, managing them well in an organized way, and ironing them, etc.

They are from a very naive age not dependent upon their parents neither their siblings. This nature of independence instills a feeling of confidence in them whether it’s when they are supposed to take some individual decision or they have to lead a team, they never hesitate. They just decide and they do it with no fear of failure. Living inside the campus, children can reach out for help regarding their studies at any given time which helps them excel in education. Boarding schools can help set-up up school preparation for students who struggle with certain concepts.

After school, children are exposed to a multitude of activities which ensures the overall development of a child’s mind and body as along with studies they engage themselves in many cultural and physical activities. Since it’s all included in the school’s curriculum so it’s a balance of education and fun.

All of this definitely makes boarding schools a perfect match for a child’s better future.

GD Goenka Signature School is one of the top residential schools offering a conducive and informative environment to the students for their holistic development. We follow a distinct approach to holistic learning. Our teaching faculty and staff prioritize helping each student to reach their highest potential through a thorough knowledge of life skills and academics. We are amongst the best boarding school in India.

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