Tips To Prepare Your Children For An Excursion Or School Trip?
Posted On: 17 December 2019 | 02:50:am
Every year different schools plan an excursion or one-day return trip for students, which is mostly based on their educational syllabus or leisure, which depends on the school authorities. Many institutions believe that students should gain practical and field knowledge apart from academic knowledge taken by teachers on a daily basis. As, according to a child development study and research, children tend to grasp the knowledge quickly in practical teaching as compared to teaching in the classroom, which can be found in excursions or field trips. There are many cases where children have faced incidence or accidents after lots of care and supervision handled by the authorities. In such cases, school authorities are blamed for not taking good care of their children, but in some instances, children should understand or gear up on what to do or not on a school trip, which can be taught as moral education by parents. So if you are reading this, it’s the right time to prepare your children well in advance before they head for an excursion or school trip.
The four basic and most important tips you can offer your child to prepare are,
- Get basic information about the trip – It is important for children and parents to know the purpose of the trip and to gain insight into what training or safety to be gain or taught before going for the trip. Parents should gain overall information from a school on departure to the expected arrival and extra-curricular activities done during the trip.
- Prepare a personal first aid and safety kit– schools or teachers on the trip carry basic first aid tools for children from antiseptic to bandage. But in a crowd of more than 20-30 students. Sometimes teachers fail giving attention to a student during situations like minor accidents or getting separated from the class. So to embrace such cases, parents should set up a personal first aid kit box for children with a child’s basic information setup on a card and making them understand the particular use of this when any situation arrives.
- Train your kids with moral values – This is the most important factor to be taken care of before any school trip. Children should know what is right or wrong in the world outside school and especially when it comes to a school trip. So as a parent you should make your children understand the rule of strangers, whom to seek for any help, whom and what to obey and how to take care of yourself. These moral values can set up peace and relief in the sense of parents before sending their kids for the trip.
- Stay connected with school – Parents should get in touch with teachers who are assigned on the trip and have a word with them prior to 2-3 days of the trip and get in a discussion about things to be taken into consideration with your child for this trip.
These tips can surely give a bright sense of security and personal care in your children to be taken care of during an excursion or school trip and even a sense of relief and peace for parents who can safely and willingly send their children for the school trip.
GD Goenka Signature School is Best School in Gurugram with regular school trips for students.